3 July 2020: Home Learning
Happy Friday!
Hope you are all feeling today? I hope you have all had a good week of home learning.
Next week will be a Sports themed week, so look out for some personal challenges and activities. Fingers crossed for good weather!
Here is your learning for today:
Maths – Two parts: Part 1 – Speedy tables, Part 2 – Problem Solving
Year 3 – Speedy tables and answers
Year 4 – Speedy tables and answers
Speedy times tables – explained in a video
Years 3 and 4 – problem solving . Answers attached.
Reading Quiz and answers .
Topic – Spanish
It’s time for your weekly Spanish lesson – we know that so many of you are enjoying these lessons.
Today, you will learn how to say how you feel, which is an important thing to be able to do in any language.
Story – read by Mrs Wadsworth
03 July 2020 : Home learning
Year 1 : Watch the lesson from Oak Academy reviewing subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-subtract-two-digit-numbers-and-ones/activities/2
Year 2 : Watch the video from Oak Academy for some more challenging Year 2 subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-apply-subtraction-strategies-to-solve-equations/activities/2
Challenge : Have a go at some more subtractions.
Choose a sound from the orange sound mat (Phase 3). Have a look in magazines or newspapers for any words that have that sound in them. You could make a poster with the words or write the words in a list.
Have a go at the animal sound bingo game : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucuXAYMYttc&authuser=1
Challenge : Make your own sound/listening bingo game.
03 July 2020: Home Learning
Happy Friday everyone. Don’t forget to get in touch with your class teacher and let them know how you are getting on.
Year 5 maths
Log on to TT Rockstars and test your multiplication skills.
Your learning for today is about writing percentages as fractions and decimals.
Year 6 maths
Before you take on the Deadly Sea of Shapes, here’s some tips to help you on your journey.
Interior angles of a triangle total 180 degrees.
Interior angles of a quadrilateral total 360 degrees.
Angles in a straight line total 180 degrees.
The radius in a circle is half the size of the diameter.
Good luck.
Year 5/6 reading
Your learning today is about understanding what you’ve read. Complete this First News comprehension.
Year 5/6 topic
Today we are going to recap our knowledge on map scales. Watch Mr. Freeman’s video and follow along with the tasks set.
Why are we doing this?
We have learnt how to use scale, map coordinates, six figure grid references and more during our geography topic this year. It is important to regularly refresh our minds with this knowledge, as accurate map reading can be a vital skill in the real world!
02 July 2020: Home Learning
We hope you are having a great week. Don’t forget to check out the class news page to see what your friends have been doing for their home learning.
Year 5 Maths
Click on the link above for today’s starter.
Your learning today is recognising and understanding percentages.
Year 6 Maths
Why was the maths teacher late? He took the rhom’ bus.
Now you know how to classify triangles, let’s look at quadrilaterals.
Year 5/6 reading
Your learning today is all about retrieving facts from a non-fiction text. Watch this video to find out more. You will need this document to complete the main activity. You’ll need to access the whole First News newspaper to complete the challenge.
Year 5/6 Spanish
El come manzanas! Yes, that means he eats apples – it’s one of the only things I know how to say! Today, we are continuing with our Spanish skills – learn how to say how you are feeling.
02 July 2020 : Home learning
Use a number line to complete the subtractions.
Have a go at these subtraction calculations.
53 – 7 =
49 – 5 =
66 – 15 =
32 – 15 =
97 – 50 =
70 – 42 =
Words are everywhere. We hear, see and discover new words everyday.
Complete the table below and become word explorers.
Watch the video about how your hear : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgdmsbk/articles/zkdkmfr
Go in your garden, if you can, or sit near an open window. Close your eyes for 1 minute and listen to the sounds you can hear.
Challenge : Write a list of the things that you heard.
2 July 2020: Home Learning
Hello everyone – are you happy and healthy today?
Are you still washing your hands? Watch this powerful clip to show how quickly germs can spread and the importance of hand washing.
Maths –
Year 3 – We are coming to the end of the fractions unit. Please find a mini-assessment to complete with answer sheet – please let your teacher know how you did.
As an additional challenge, we would like you to make a poster and show everything you know and understand about fractions so far.
mini assessment: fractions and answers
Year 4 – video lesson
Video Lesson and task
Topic – Art
Compare the art in this video, which is by Katy Scott, to Henri Rousseau’s art.
- What is the same about them?
- What is different about them?
Compare Katy Scott’s to Henri Rousseau’s Art.
Task: Try doing some artwork of your own in the style of Katy Scott.
You could either draw your own flowers and use similar colours, or you could pause The Story Of Flowers video and copy one of the animations that you like.
Story – read by Mr Gathercole
Goosebumps pgs 109 – 122
01 July 2020: Home Learning
Hi everyone
We hope you’re all OK and managing to keep happy, healthy and safe. Don’t forget you can email your class teacher to ask for help or just to keep in touch.
Here are your home learning tasks for today…
Y5 Maths
Use the Topmarks website to play ‘Hit the button.’ Put your times table knowledge to the test.
Your learning for today is about comparing and ordering decimals.
Y6 Maths
What did the maths teacher say when his parrot went missing? Polygon.
Your learning today is about classifying triangles.
Y5,6 Reading
Learn how to summarise and explain ‘Macbeth’, a famous play written by Shakespeare.
Y5,6 Topic
I thought we could do something a little different today, and look back on our scientific knowledge of sound. Have a go at this BBC Bitesize lesson, and refresh your knowledge on the features of sound. This links well to our musical lesson from last week, too!
01 July 2020 : Home learning
Well, July is here and a massive WELL DONE if you are still slogging on with home learning!
Watch the video about fact families : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT2Wdo6g-Rw
Write the whole fact family (two addition and two subtraction) for each part whole model.
eg : 10 + 6 = 16
6 + 10 = 16
16 – 10 = 6
16 – 6 = 10
Filp the calculation to make 4 more calculations
eg : 16 = 10 + 6
16 = 6 + 10
6 = 16 – 10
10 = 16 – 6
Jerome (from the Word Collector story) loved collecting words that were short and sweet, two-syllable treats or multi-syllable words.
Write and cut each word into syllables : whisper, savour, dream, smudge, breeze, peace, electric, glimmer, dream, wonderful, marvellous.
Challenge : choose some words of your own to split into syllables
Create a piece of art work using words.
1 July 2020: Home Learning
Being happy and healthy!
It is important to look after our own physical health (our bodies) and mental health (thoughts and feelings).
We’d like to share some ideas for keeping calm at home. Follow this link and scroll down for breathing exercises, calming games, expressing yourself and yoga videos. I like the Wall of Expression.
Year 3 – Comparing and ordering fractions – Video lesson
Task 2 with answers.
Year 4 – Video Lesson
Video Lesson and task and answers
Topic – Science: Pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal
Watch this beautiful animation, The Story of Flowers.
Pause the video at each of the times shown below and see if you can complete the sentences with the words from the word bank.
Word bank:
roots water pollination nutrients pollination stamen roots
0.55 In a meadow full of flowers, a bee lands on a flower to get nectar. The job of the flower is to attract insects, which can carry pollen to other flowers. This is called __________.
1.04 The roots of the plants grow into the soil. Their job is to hold the plant steady and to bring ________ and _________ up the stem to the leaves and the flower.
1.40 This flower has ________ which hold the pollen. Insects get some of the pollen stuck to their bodies and it gets carried to the next flower. __________ is when pollen is carried to the next flower and fertilises it. One it is fertilised, it can make seeds.
3.04 The seeds spread in different ways, sometimes by air and sometimes by wind. Animals can also spread seeds. Can you think of any ways that animals might spread seeds?
3.15 When a seeds falls in a place that is good to grow, it germinates. This means that it sprouts ___________ , a new shoot and begins to grow.
Story – read by Mr G
Goosebumps cont’d pgs 89-108
30 June 2020: Home Learning
Hello everyone! Are you feeling happy today?
Below is a link to a song that makes me feel happy. I’ve used the ‘Just Dance’ version so we can dance along together and feel happy this Tuesday!
Smile, dance and be happy!
Here is your learning for today:
Year 3 – Video Lesson and task 1, challenge, online quiz.
Year 4 – Video Lesson
Video lesson and task and answers.
Topic – Today you are going to see just how easy it is to create a lovely green garden picture using a leaf!
Watch my video lesson to see how. You can play this song to learn more about photosynthesis.
Story – read by Mr Gathercole
Goosebumps cont’d pgs 77-87 , pgs 88-97