Dinosaur Roar

Sunday 26 January 2025

It’s been great to see our new children becoming more familiar with Nursery routines and lots of them have now stayed for their first full day. Well done, yellow group!

Children continue to explore nursery and are independently choosing resources to enhance their play; we’ve created amazing constructions, working together and sharing ideas.

We have also enjoyed finding out about dinosaurs. Digging up dinosaur skeletons in the sand tray, finding out about dinosaurs in our small world area and learning their names.

In the sensory area, we loved playing with the slime in our dinosaur swamp! Ergh.. it’s very sticky!

Mark making always plays an important part of our learning in Nursery and this week the children have been practising their skills in many of our provision areas. In the paint, sand, message centre and making patterns on giant pieces of paper.

In group time, children in red, blue and green group helped Mrs Beesley with her shopping bags. One bag was very heavy and the other bag was quite light. We looked at the different items in each bag and compared them. Children had to find an item that was heavier or lighter than the tin of baked beans.  You could try this at home.

Our sounds next week is Oo 

Make your mouth into a round shape and say o.

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week next week is Row Row Row your Boat.

Can you sing the rhyme fast, slow, loud or quiet?

Have a happy and healthy weekend and thankyou as always for your continued support.

The Nursery Team.