Fab feedback

Wednesday 04 July 2018

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re always keen to welcome professionals beyond our own school to provide an additional ‘pair of eyes’, to provide an external view on how we’re improving. This is obviously even more important following the Ofsted judgement of ‘requires improvement’ (January 2017).

One of the people who has visited throughout the year is our School Improvement Advisor (SIA). At the end of June, he visited again and we’ve received his report – it makes for really encouraging reading. Here are some extracts:

It is the view of the SIA that the school has made significant strides from the January 2017 Ofsted RI [‘requires improvement’] outcome. Scholes Primary is now a securely good school. The Executive Headteacher communicates a clear vision for the school and, through coaching, mentoring and direct support, he has developed dedicated teams of capable senior and middle leaders. During his time of working with the Executive Headteacher, the SIA has been impressed by his willingness to listen, consider advice and implement initiatives with thoroughness.

The Federation has benefited each of the three schools involved – allowing the sharing of good practices, CPD [continuing professional development], leadership development and moderation. The Executive Headteacher utilises the skills of his extended middle and senior leadership team well and monitoring files evidence how each has played their part in evaluating the quality of on-going work in the school and in holding others to account. These leaders are thorough in their checks; their actions to improve the effectiveness of the school have been implemented and all indications are that, as a result, improvements have met with success in terms of improved outcomes for pupils across the school.

[The report goes on to detail specific aspects of what we’re doing, including the advisor’s views on the teaching he saw during a ‘learning walk’ around school. The report ends:]

In summary, it has been the SIA’s privilege and a pleasure to work with the Executive Headteacher and his leadership team who have become skilled practitioners in their own right. The SIA has witnessed advances in the consistency of approaches to teaching, behaviour management, higher expectations and the evaluation of learning in books. Subsequently, outcomes for pupils continue to improve. Wisely, leaders are keen to use the 2018/19 as a year to consolidate and embed initiatives and in so doing, the SIA has little doubt that the future for Scholes Primary is bright.

We’d like to thank all parents/carers who have supported and encouraged us on our journey of improvements.