This week, we will be talking about how we keep healthy. Talk to your child about all the things they do to keep fit and be healthy.
- Do they go to any sporting activities or clubs?
- You could play some games in the garden together. What happens to your body when you exercise?
- What are your favourite foods? Ask your child to help you prepare a healthy snack.
- Make a chart to see if you can eat your ‘5’ fruit and vegetables every day.
- How do you look after your body? Bath time, cleaning teeth, going to bed early etc.. You could draw a picture of all the things you do to stay happy and healthy.
This week’s letter sound is ‘Jj’ for jumping and jiggling jelly. Please sing along to the Jolly Phonics song at home and look for things beginning with ‘j’.
You could even make some jelly (sugar free, of course!),and talk about how you make it and the changes that occur.