Every pupil at Scholes Primary School is an enthusiastic, positive and expressive learner – but it's not just our children! We are all learners: we can keep on learning new methods, new facts, new points of view.
This section is all about learning and how parents / carers can support or join in the learning process.
In this section
- Class News::
news, updates and photos from your child's class and the learning that's taking place
- Homework::
find out what this week's homework and spelling list is for your child
- Help Your Child::
download some guides that will help you to support your child's learning at home
- Phonics::
learn more about how we teach the early stages of reading and writing
- Calculations::
advice about how to support their children with calculations
- National Curriculum::
aims and structure of the National Curriculum for schools in England
- Our Curriculum::
how our topics meet National Curriculum requirements
- Expectations::
download the age-related expectations for your child
- Reception:
an overview of principles and practice in the Foundation Stage
- SMSC::
discover how we promote your child's social, moral, spiritual and cultural development
- Health::
all about our happy and healthy school
- RSE::
learn more about relationships and sex education at Moortown Primary
- RE::
all state-maintained schools in England are required to teach religious education