Following on from children’s interest in the latest Peter Rabbit movie, we introduced some rabbit enhancements to nursery this week. We enjoyed listening to some of the original Peter Rabbit stories written by Beatrix Potter and in the art area, we created our own rabbit paintings. In maths, we counted out carrots for Peter and Benjamin Bunny. We focussed on language that we can use to compare groups of objects. Lots of children were confident at using more/ mostwhen comparing groups of objects, but many children found less/ least/ fewer trickier. Please help at home by using these words in everyday situations. Thank-you for sending in lots of ‘r’ objects for our sound shelf; we enjoyed playing “eye-spy something beginning with r,” in group times. Due to illness, we’ve had to postpone our visit from George the rabbit. We hope to find out the answers to our questions next week.
Week 3 – What are we learning this week?
We were really pleased to be able to get some frogspawn last week and as we hoped, children were really intrigued to find out about the ‘fish’ swimming in the tank.
This week we will learn:
- about the life cycle of a frog
- to make frogspawn prints using bubble wrap – investigating printing with different textures
- about the letter sound ‘f’ for frog. (Listen to the Jolly Phonics f song here)
- to count out a set number of tadpoles and remember to stop when we’ve reached that number. (Eg. Can you get 5 tadpoles from the pond? Remember to stop when you reach 5!)
- Sing ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’ using the frogs in our water tray.