This week in reading we’ve been using our inference skills to answer questions about our new class novel, The Firework-Maker’s Daughter.
Inference is a reading skill that is all about looking for hints! The text might not tell us the exact answer but we can read around the words.
We started to explore the first chapter and discuss what we know and what we think about the characters so far.
We played a classroom classic called hot seating! This is where we step into the characters shoes and we ask them questions. We paused at a part in our class novel and inferred what each character was thinking and feeling.
Our success criteria for inference is:
What do we know?
What does it make you think?
What can you infer?
Help at home: read with your child regulary at home. Pause to ask inference questions (What do we know? What does it make you think? What can you infer?) You could even play a game of hot seating!