Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Monday 16th July 12.30-2.30 pm
- If your child is moving to Reception in September and they don’t attend Nursery on a Monday afternoon, they are welcome to join us from 12.30pm-2.30pm. Please bring them to the Nursery door and sign them in as usual and you can collect them at home time, which is 2.30pm.
- Children can wear summery clothes and bring their favourite teddy.
- We will provide picnic food that the children are going to help make in the morning. They have told us all the things that they would like, including honey sandwiches for the bears and some watermelon. Children will have lunch as usual at Nursery.
- Thank you for your donations towards to the cost of the picnic food. If you’d still like to contribute, there’s a bowl in the Nursery entrance.