We’re an outward-looking school: we work closely with the local authority and with other schools, including as part of Noctua Teaching School.
As a school which has been previously judged to ‘require improvement‘, the local authority offered us a full teaching and learning review, carried out by two advisors, one of whom is a trained Ofsted inspector. We’re always keen to hear from others so we can keep improving, and were therefore happy to take up the offer.
Here are some extracts from the report:
- ‘Evidence from the review paints a positive picture of a much improved and still improving school. The Executive Headteacher has worked closely together with the Head of School to drive developments across the school. A recurring theme throughout the day was the commentary from staff, children and Chair of Governors alike: “This school is unrecognisable from what it was two years ago.”‘
- ‘…leaders at all levels are determined that the pupils of Scholes will all achieve well. Strong ambition and collegiality now permeates what is a collegiate, reflective and professional staff team who are ambitious for themselves and the school.’
- ‘Governance has been transformed from the time of the last inspection.’
- ‘Lesson observations supported by book-looks and data analysis evidence the impact of improved teaching over time.’
- ‘…pupils are clear about their learning’
- ‘The team were impressed by the consistent approaches to planning and pedagogy that ensures pupils receive an equitable diet in terms of challenge and learning.’ [This point was made in reference to teaching and learning across Y1,2 Y3,4 / Y5,6 mixed age classes.]
- ‘Neat presentation in books accompanied by high productivity supports the improvements in pupil achievement and progress over time.’
- ‘Teaching assistants play an effective role in supporting pupil learning in classrooms and are now a strength of the school.’
- ‘The Early Year Leader leads this area of the school with passion and skill. She has a deep understanding of children’s development and current research… In the view of the team, the provision in Nursery is outstanding. In Reception, the teaching of phonics was precise and accurate.’
A core area they suggest we explore over time is boys’ writing – it’s not low compared to how boys perform nationally (79% reached the expected level in 2018 at Scholes, higher than the national figure of 72%; at the higher level, 16% compared to 15% nationally), but there is a gap with the very high figures for girls (at Scholes in 2018, 95% reach the expected level and 45% reached the higher level).
Well done to all the staff and pupils; thank you to parents and carers for continued support.