Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came to school today for the second of our Watch Us While We Work sessions of the year. This is an opportunity for you to get a flavour of what goes on in school – you might pick up ideas on how to support your child at home, you might be more aware of the high expectations around reading, writing or maths, or you might even notice how we react to minor behaviour problems.
Here are some of the comments:
- ‘Excellent interactions with children’
- ‘Literacy with Y5/6 – quite amazing how much has changed and upped the levels!’
- ‘Behaviour and overall engagement of all pupils was fantastic.’
- ‘I was amazed at the knowledge that all the children were able to show – and confident to show.’
- ‘The lesson was very engaging and thought-provoking.’
- ‘It was good to visit two different classes and enjoy two different subjects, seeing different approaches.’
- ‘Very impressed by communication between staff and pupils.’
That’s great feedback – thank you very much.
Following our last Watch Us While We Work session, some parents told us it would be even better if they were able to visit their own child’s class. We appreciate this might nice, but we do know it often disrupts learning. However, do look out for a chance to visit the class: on Monday 12 March at 2pm, we’ll have a Topic Book Review session. Classes will be reaching the end of their second Big Topic – Life Forces. This is a chance to come in and find out more about the learning that’s gone on during topic lessons.