You’ll be aware that we work closely with Leeds Children’s Services to monitor how well we’re doing. We value time spent with advisors as a way to check our progress and offer us more top tips to keep getting better and better. Here are three extracts from the latest report, based on a visit where the advisor carried out two monitoring exercises:
- a book scrutiny – closely looking at pupils’ books in Reading, Writing, Maths and Topic
- a learning conversation – a discussion with some pupils about their learning
Under the Executive Headteacher’s astute leadership and the combined efforts of an increasingly effective senior leadership team, progress from previous visits continues apace.
Pupils of all abilities are making good progress from their September starting points in reading, writing and maths.
Pupils were able to convey an enjoyment of their learning at Scholes. Pupils in Y3 feel the work has become considerably harder but nevertheless are responding and enjoying the challenge… Responses evidenced how the school works hard to develop a love or reading; weekly library books, reading in class, daily reading sessions and reading scheme books were all cited as being the core offer for all children.