Year 5 & 6 Homework

27 April 2018

Posted on Thursday 26 April 2018 by Mrs Allaway

Year 6 homework will be Practice Makes Perfect. We’ve given the children three pages in their CGP Maths Revision book (p44, 45, 46) and three in the CGP English Revision book (p52, 53, 56). They need to be completed by Monday (Maths) and Tuesday (English).

Year 5 homework will be Creative. As part of the Tour de Yorkshire celebrations, each class has been given a bike to decorate a bike. We’d like the children to design a way to decorate their class bike.

Times tables. Practise recalling facts for x8 and ÷8. In addition to any usual tables practice, make a fact family poster.

20 April 2018

Posted on Friday 20 April 2018 by

Year 6 homework will be Practice makes Perfect. We’ve given the children three pages in their CGP Maths Revision book and three in the CGP English Revision book. They need to be completed by Monday (Maths) and Tuesday (English).

The Year 5 homework will be Practice makes Perfect. Choose a passage of approximately 100 words from a book of your choice. Using your best handwriting, copy the passage into your homework book. Set yourself a next step or handwriting target.

Our times tables this week will be a review of all the times table (up to 12 x 12) and including division facts. Don’t forget to check the website for more practise sheets! Record how long it takes you to complete it. See if you can beat your personal best time.

23 March 2018

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by

Year 6 homework will be Practice makes Perfect. We’ve given the children three pages in their CGP Maths Revision book and three in the CGP English Revision book. They need to be completed by Monday (Maths) and Tuesday (English).

The year 5 homework will be creative. Create a new species of creature. Pick two creatures to be the parents. Then draw and label the offspring with its inherited traits. Challenge yourself to create a new creature for each classified group: mammals, amphibians, insects, birds, fish. Can you have parents from different groups?

Our times tables focus this week will be the 6 times table (up to 6 x 12) and including division facts. Practise counting forwards, backwards, starting from zero and then starting from a multiple, and don’t forget the traditional way to support your child: a couple of mock tests to see how well your child knows their tables!

16 March 2018

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by

Year 6 homework will be Practice makes Perfect. We’ve given the children three pages in their CGP Maths Revision book and three in the CGP English Revision book. They need to be completed by Monday (Maths) and Tuesday (English).

Year 5 homework will be Practice makes PerfectComplete the maths worksheet stuck in your homework book.

Our times tables focus this week will be the 7 times table (up to 7 x 12) and including division facts.

Practise counting forwards, backwards, starting from zero and then starting from a multiple, and don’t forget the traditional way to support your child: a couple of mock tests to see how well your child knows their tables!

09 March 2018

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by

Year 6 homework will be Practice makes Perfect. We’ve given the children three pages in their CGP Maths Revision book and three in the CGP English Revision book. They need to be completed by Monday (Maths) and Tuesday (English).

Year 5 homework will be Practice makes Perfect. Using the passage stuck in your homework book, correct all the missing punctuation.

Our times tables focus this week will be the 12 times table (up to 12 x 12) and including division facts.

Practise counting forwards, backwards, starting from zero and then starting from a multiple, and don’t forget the traditional way to support your child: a couple of mock tests to see how well your child knows their tables!

02 March 2018

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by

Year 6 homework will be Practice makes Perfect. We’ve given the children three pages in their CGP Maths Revision book and three in the CGP English Revision book. They need to be completed by Monday (Maths) and Tuesday (English).

Year 5 homework will also be Practice makes Perfect. Research and choose an appropriate poem about the snowy weather. Write it in your homework book (in your best joined handwriting). Be prepared to read, or recite it, to your classmates.

02 March 2018

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by

Our times tables focus this week will be the 6 times table (up to 6 x 12) and including division facts.

Practise counting forwards, backwards, starting from zero and then starting from a multiple, and don’t forget the traditional way to support your child: a couple of mock tests to see how well your child knows their tables!

23 February 2018

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by

Our times tables focus this week will be the 8 times table (up to 8 x 12) and including division facts.

Practise counting forwards, backwards, starting from zero and then starting from a multiple, and don’t forget the traditional way to support your child: a couple of mock tests to see how well your child knows their tables!

23 February 2018

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week’s whole school homework is Talk Time.

Wild and free or safe and caged?

Talk about the morals, ethics and purpose of how people use and treat animals. For example:
  • Should we cage animals?
  • Is it right and how do you feel about animal experimentation for medical or beauty purposes?
  • Should animals be used for entertainment?
  • Should any animal be allowed to be kept as a pet?
  • Should we breed animals for food or fur?

02 February 2018

Posted on Friday 02 February 2018 by

The numbers of my life!

This is a creative homework. Write a fact sheet about yourself. Tell us in numbers, percentages, decimals and fractions interesting facts and information. We’re expecting a minimum of ten interesting facts to share. For example…

  • 3/5 of my family are male
  • 70% of my pets have fur
  • I have been alive for 3,243 days

Our times tables focus this week will be the 7 times table (up to 7 x 12) and including division facts. Practise counting forwards, backwards, starting from zero and then starting from a multiple, and don’t forget the traditional way to support your child: a couple of mock tests to see how well your child knows their tables!