
Potion Commotion

Posted on Thursday 24 October 2024 by Reception Team

Potion Commotion

We’ve been reading Potion Commotion by Peter Bently and Sernur Isik.

We’ve been writing our own potion recipes and making potions in the water tray. Using our growing phonic knowledge and skills, we have been able to represent the sounds (phonemes) we could hear in words with the letters (graphemes).


We’ve enjoyed themed activities, with a focus on developing important skills.


This week has been a revision week.

In provision, we’ve been making our own flashcards.

Poetry Picnic

Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called Pointy Hat

Watch us recite it here!

Help at home; light and dark

If you go to any light shows, see any illuminations or go to a firework display over the half term break, we’d love to share your photos in class. We’ll use the pictures to support our next topic on light and dark.

Year 1 Maths

Posted on Saturday 19 October 2024 by Mrs Wilkins

We have revisited our learning about the ‘greater than >’, ‘less than <‘ and ‘equals =’ symbols that we focused on previously. We used our trusty conkers and other equipment to help us.

Moving on from our learning about splitting  carrots into parts and wholes. We have been looking at pictures and equipment to see what is a part and what is the whole. We are impressively good at this and have begun to move this knowledge on to splitting numbers! Using a lot of examples and our STEM sentences we are able to quickly see the parts and wholes. Our STEM sentences go something like this:

3 + 5 =8 (in digits or pictures)

3 is a part. 5 is a part. 8 is the whole.

2+2= 4

2 is a part. 2 is a part. 4 is the whole.

Just look at some of the fantastic examples that have been produced from Year 1!


Year 1 are growing in their knowledge and confidence in Maths. It is wonderful to see!

Help at home: Practice writing digits 0-9. We are reversing some numbers. As the year goes on we will become better at this too!

1A addition

Posted on Monday 14 October 2024 by Fiona Brown

Today in 1A we looked at the + symbol. We talked about how numbers in an addition expression are commutative. This means we can swap them around and the total stays the same. Whatever the order, the result is the same. We had a go at placing some conkers into two circles and then writing expressions to represent them. Here’s some of our learning:


Help at home: You could draw two circles and fill them with a number of objects like we did in class today. Can your child write the expression to represent the objects in the circles? Can they write a second expression where the numbers have been swapped around? 


Let’s get creative.

Posted on Saturday 12 October 2024 by Nursery Team

Talk of Autumn filled nursey this week as we continued to share our amazing Autumn treasures. If you haven’t returned yours to nursery yet, don’t worry, we will continue to share them until Friday.


We enjoyed using some of our Autumn treasure to create our own autumnal artwork inspired by the artist, Andy Goldsworthy. Whilst doing this, we also used some of our sorting skills to sort the leaves into different colour piles.

In the Maths area we used our Autumn treasures to copy and continue repeating patterns. Why not try this at home with toys eg car, brick, car, brick, car.

Autumn has inspired our learning in the sensory areas too. We have scooped and poured red and green lentils and barley. We listened to the sound it made as it dropped onto the tray and how it felt as it trickled through our fingers. We used the light frame to create pictures with leaves made from various materials. We watched how the light made the leaves change.

Group time learning activities began this week. We enjoyed drawing different patterns on some wellies. We drew horizontal lines, spots and some children created their own patterns including ‘x’ and zig-zags.

Help at home

Next week our Nursery Rhyme of the week is  Humpty Dumpty

Can you join in with this rhyme?


  • We have been sharing lots of family photographs at group time this week. If you are still to send yours in its not to late send it to the nursery email address scholesnursey@spherefederation.org
  • Please make sure that your child’s shoes are named. We have some identical pairs this year.


1A Parts and wholes

Posted on Monday 07 October 2024 by Fiona Brown

Today, we introduced the concept of parts and wholes into our Number learning. We looked at photographs of fruit and vegetables and decided if it was the whole fruit or a part of it. Looking at pictures of carrots, we discussed how the parts could be cut in different places to make all kinds of different parts.

After that, we were given a tower of blocks and we used our imagination to pretend they were carrots. To begin with, we ‘cut’ them into two different parts. We used the STEM sentence “these two parts combine to make a whole” to help us in our learning. After that, Mrs Brown challenged us to see if we could ‘cut’ our ‘carrots’ into three, four or five different parts.

Later this week, we will learn how numbers can be split into parts too. We will also look at a part-whole model and begin to use it in our table learning activities.

Help at home: You could talk to your child about parts and wholes as you prepare food for meals and snacks e.g. This is a whole potato, how many parts did I cut it into to make roast potatoes? Even though this is small, this is a whole grape. How many parts did I cut it into?

When you discuss parts, you could also discuss whether or not they are equal parts or whether they are different sizes.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

Posted on Friday 04 October 2024 by Reception Team


This week, our focus book was We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

The children were able to use their knowledge of the story to retell it using pictures and props.


On Thursday, we went for a sound walk around the school. This involved finding landmarks, such as the gazebo and writing graphemes
(letters) we found on a map.


This week, we have explored how numbers can be composed of 1s.

We have will learnt that a ‘whole’ is made up of smaller parts and is, therefore, bigger than its parts.



This week, we have focused on the new phonemes: d,g,o,c.

We’ve also learnt a new tricky word; is.


Poetry Picnic

Each week, we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called Falling Apples. 

Watch us recite it here!

Stay and Learn

Our first stay and learn session will be on Thursday 10 October. 
This is an opportunity for you to come into school to find out about phonics and watch your child learning in school. There will also be a coffee morning after the session.

Please ensure you sign up at the door before Wednesday 9 October or email scholesreception@spherefederation.org.


Our weekly message: Friday 04 October

Posted on Friday 04 October 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Watch us while we work

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Watch Us While we Work session – it was great to see so many of you. And thanks if you found the time to fill in our online feedback form – here’s one of the comments:

Great tips for how to help my child at home. Great to see the learning environment, too.

We take your feedback really seriously. One thing we’re often asked is whether we can organise this differently to help children who are in different year groups. We’ll keep exploring whether this would work, but in the meantime, do remember to next Watch Us While We Work session on Thursday 23 January.

Class trips

Previously, you’ve told us you’re keen for class trips to happen. We value trips as a way to enrich learning and broaden children’s learning experiences. Our list of the main trips we’ve got planned are on page 4 of our Topic Curriculum Guide (but please remember we sometimes have to re-arrange or even cancel based on availability, or reluctantly if we don’t receive enough in voluntary donations).


The rest of this week’s message comes from our Writing Curriculum Leader…


By now, you’ll be familiar with the homework arrangements. Every week in Key Stage 1, or every half-term in Key Stage 2, your child is given a set of spellings to learn as part of their homework.

But why? They’ll probably just use autocorrect on their computer or tablet when they’re older, won’t they? You, like many others, might have found yourself asking these same questions. And, to an extent, there’s some truth in this.

However, we believe spelling is a really important life-skill that is crucial to your child’s success in education. We find that children who can spell more accurately feel more confident about their writing – and we want all our children to feel proud and confident of their learning.

Also, research shows us that thinking about spellings takes up a large part of your working memory when writing (or typing). This means that if you’re able to have to think less about spelling, you’ve more brain power to think about other things: word choice, thinking creatively or pitching your written communication at the right level for your reader.

Help at home by helping your child learn their spellings. This doesn’t need to be for long and it doesn’t need to be boring. Here are some practical tips for effectively learning spellings at home…

  • Ask your child to spell their words on the way to school, driving to the shops or walking the dog
  • Use some ideas from our Super Spelling Strategies to make learning spellings more creative
  • Place the words on Post-It notes around the house so your child is reading them regularly
  • Practise them whilst doing something active (throwing a ball, kicking a football, playing tennis etc)
  • Most importantly of all, remember that little and often is much more effective than one big session: five minutes every day will lead to much better outcomes than one 30 minute session each week

If you’d like any help about how to support your child with their writing, please speak to their class teacher.

Next week, we’ve the school photographer in to take individual pics (the class pic is taken later in the year. There’s also a Reception Stay and Learn session. And finally, don’t forget our Harvest Collection. Have a good weekend.

Amazing Autumn

Posted on Friday 04 October 2024 by Nursery Team

Thank you for returning your autumn bags! This week, we began to look at their contents. Children enjoyed talking about what they had found and where they found their autumn treasure.  Don’t worry if you haven’t had a chance to go for a walk yet, there’s still time. Please return your bag to Nursery over the next week.

We’ve been learning all about autumn this week; we talked about the changes that we could see around us in our Nursery garden.  Children noticed that the leaves were changing colour and falling from the branches. We listened to a song about autumn leaves falling down and named lots of different coloured leaves that we could see outside.


In our story corner, children have enjoyed listening to the story of ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. They’re getting really good at re-telling the story and joining in with the repeated refrains.

Next week, we’ll continue to learn about autumn and will look at some artwork by Andy Goldsworthy so don’t forget to bring your autumn treasure bag back to nursery.

Help at home

Next week’s nursery rhyme is Baa Baa Black Sheep Can you join in with this nursery rhyme?

We are continuing to explore “We’re going on a bear hunt” Here is the author telling the story. Have a listen at home and join in together with the sound effects!  


  • Our individual photographs will take place on Tuesday 08 October. If your child does not attend nursery on a Tuesday but you would like them to have their photograph taken please contact school.
  • Please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat at nursery every day. We go outside to learn, whatever the weather!




Our new school journalist: Thea!

Posted on Wednesday 02 October 2024 by Mr Catherall

Our new school journalist is Thea. She’ll be keeping you updated on lots of events happening around school. Her weekly article will provide some insight into school life: it could be interviews with adults, interviews with children, updates about events, or even, ‘a day in the life of…’.

Either way, we’re sure you’ll love her updates and we’re incredibly pleased to bring you her first article…

An Interview With Miss Gilliland

Miss Gilliland 3,4B Class Teacher

Miss Gilliland is a new teacher at Scholes and has been teaching for a month. I’ve been catching up with her to learn a little bit about her and to see how she is finding her new role.

Something you might not know is that Miss Gilliland was born and raised in Northern Ireland which is part of the UK.  Miss Gilliland also has a dog called ‘Schnauzer’ – I wonder what breed this pooch might be!

Miss Gilliland was originally a trainee teacher and worked at Moortown Primary School which is a part of Sphere Federation.  Since being at Scholes, Miss Gilliland says she loves learning new names and Wake Up Shake Up dances (or WUSU). She personally thinks Scholes (Elmet) Primary school is a happy and healthy place to study for children and adults. She cares for children every day by showing us all care and respect.

I am sure my friends across the school community will join me in saying a massive ‘Welcome to Scholes’ and that we wish her all the best with her new class this year!

Down on the farm

Posted on Friday 27 September 2024 by Nursery Team

We’ve had another busy week in nursery, continuing to explore the provision and making friends. Our new small world area, the farm, has sparked a lot of interest. We talked about the different animals that we see on a farm and the sounds that they make. The children enjoyed adding the animal sound effects whilst playing.

As part of our early phonics learning, we encourage children to listen to the sounds that they can hear around them, such as an aeroplane flying above or birds singing in the trees. We also explore the different noises that animals make.

Help at home:  If you visit a farm or see some animals in a field, remember to use the animal names and talk about the noises that they make.  You might like to play a game where you use some farm animal toys and choose an animal to describe. For example: It has 4 legs, a curly tail and a snout. Can they guess which animal you are describing and make the animal noise? Can they give you some clues?  This is a great way to add new words to your child’s vocabulary and to develop their listening skills.

The children have enjoyed retelling this weeks focus story ‘The Three Little Pigs’ joining in with the repeated refrains “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down”.

As the children continue to explore the provision lots of different interests have been emerging, rolling cars down ramps being a big favourite. We experimented with other things that roll in the paint this week and tried our hand at painting with rollers. This up and down motion will help us later when it comes to developing our skills as a writer.

Here are some of the other activities from this week

  • bug hunting
  • friendship making
  • brick house building
  • sorting and matching in the maths area.
  • imaginative play

Next week, we’ll talk about the changes that we are noticing outside.  Look out for a brown bag in your child’s folder – we’d like you to fill it with autumn treasure that you find and return it to Nursery.

Our focus story  is the popular story “We’re Going on a bear Hunt” We will be exploring this story using our own puppets and props.

Our Nursery rhyme of the week will be   Row, row, row your boat  Can you sing along with the rhyme at home?


  • Please don’t forget to send a family photograph for our home corner display Please send it to scholesnursery@spherefederation.org 
  • We play outside in all weather – please remember to send your child with a waterproof coat everyday.
  • Please remember to check the school menu each day. School Lunch Menu