Year 5 & 6 Class News

Living and learning: I know the importance of 60 active minutes

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

This week  we were very lucky to try our hand at Heely’s. If you’ve never heard of them, they are shoes with wheels! The workshop allowed the children to try an new sport and this linked brilliantly with our living and learning statement for this week about being active for 60 minutes a day.

The first big challenge was putting the shoes on and attempting to get the knee and elbow pads on! Once we were kitted out, we were taught how to position our bodies to get the Heely’s to move smoothly. This was harder than it looked. The adults even had a go although I’m not sure we should’ve done! By the end of the session, we were all feeling a lot more confident – there were still a few people wobbling about though!

Walk to School Week

Posted on Monday 13 May 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Next week is ‘Walk to School Week!’

Can you support us and our local community by leaving your car at home? We are setting the children the challenge of walking to school for 5 days. In class, they will sign a pledge and collect stickers over the week for each day they walk. Each child will receive an activity book with fun tasks to complete at school too. If you live far away and need to travel by car, try leaving your car at St Phillips church in Scholes or at The Buffers pub and walk the rest of the way.

Good luck – get walking!

Geography: What is a rainforest?

Posted on Wednesday 01 May 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

We have been exploring the Amazon Rainforest this week. The children have a secure understanding of the location and climate of this region now. They studied the four different layers of the forest and how this offers up a huge variety of plant and animal species. Discussions took place about how the rainforest is different to the forests we have in the UK. Earlier in the week, the children researched the Dalby Forest and understood its location and uses. These are two very contrasting locations.

Help at home: Can your child remember the name of the four layers of the rainforest? Can they describe the vegetation and animals that exist within each layer?

Science: reversible changes

Posted on Thursday 25 April 2024 by Mr Lindsay

In Science, year 5/6 have been learning about reversible changes.

We discussed how we could separate salt from water after making a salt water solution.

The children agreed that through evaporation we should be able to extract the salt. We decided to observe our experiment over a series of days. The picture shows what happened to the salt water solution over three days.

Help at home: discuss other reversible/ irreversible changes. Plan some of your own experiments to check whether a change is reversible or irreversible.


Scholes in Bloom flower bed competition winner

Posted on Tuesday 23 April 2024 by Mrs Latham

Larraine came in to our assembly in school on Monday this week. She announced the winner of the competition. It was chosen because of the eye-catching design featuring lovely bright coloured stripes and a love heart. The winning design will be made using flowers in the bed outside the school on Morwick Grove.

Well done to the runners up too.

Living and learning: I recognise the importance of sleep

Posted on Monday 22 April 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

In the 5,6 phase we have been discussing how important sleep is and how this can impact your every day life we all know how good it is!

It plays a vital role in use being happy and healthy. It can boost our immune systems and it allows us to fight off diseases and our bodies can repair themselves. It can give you more energy and allows you to focus on your learning at school. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can really impact your mood – leaving you grumpy and irritable.

The recommended amount of sleep for children is between 9 and 13 hours a night. Did you get enough sleep last night?

Soluble or Insoluble?

Posted on Friday 19 April 2024 by Oli Wain

This half term, Year 5 and 6 have started a new Chemistry topic: Materials and their properties.

In this week’s Science learning, we learnt all about which materials are soluble (do dissolve in water) and which materials are insoluble (don’t dissolve in water).

We tested each material by placing an amount into a cup of water and observing whether they dissolved or not.

Independent variable: the material
Dependent variable: the solubility
Control variable: the amount of the material, the amount of water, time observed for, temperature of water


We found out which materials were soluble and recorded our results in a table!

Help at home: Ask your child to define: soluble, insoluble, dissolve, independent variable, dependent variable and control variable!

PE – basketball

Posted on Tuesday 16 April 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

This half term, we are developing our basketball skills. Today we were learning how to pass the ball with increasing accuracy – using bounce and chest passes. The children increased the distance of their throws to add more challenge. We then used our skills within Possession Ball – a fast paced team game. There was some brilliant dribbling and passing and even better communication between the children We ended the lesson working on our personal best challenges. How fast can we dribble the ball between a set of cones? They will do this each week and hopefully break their previous records!

Living and Learning: I know how to cope with change.

Posted on Wednesday 27 March 2024 by Oli Wain

In this week’s Living and Learning session, Year 5 and 6 learnt all about how to cope with change.

Change is something that happens to everybody in life and it could include:

– moving to a new school
– moving house
– a friend moving away
– losing a family member

and many more.

We watched a video about a child who had joined a new school and we identified and discussed how he was feeling at different parts of the video. At first, he felt alone and isolated in his new school. We discussed strategies that he could’ve used to cope with this change. These included: talking to an adult, asking to join in a game with peers, sitting on the friendship bench or doing something like reading to focus your mind!

We then saw how some other children approached the new child and involved them in their game – we agreed this would be an inclusive and friendly thing to do to help somebody that was struggling.

Overall, Year 5 and 6 learnt about empathy and how to show consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others – a vital life skill.

Help at home: Regularly talk to your child and have conversations about showing empathy for others and how to cope with change.

Road Safety

Posted on Tuesday 26 March 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

The road safety team from Leeds City Council visited the 5,6 phase today. They began by sharing statistics about how much accidents on our roads cost society each year. It was explained that roads and strategies to keep our roads safe, are paid for by the tax payer and we were shocked at the cost implications. It costs a whopping £55, 000 to install and run a speed camera!

The children were given maps of the local area and they had to locate their houses. They had to think about what the roads are like in their area and choose road safety measure that would make trips to the local amenities safer. They were given a budget of £100, 000 to spend and we thought it would be easy! Little did we know how expensive things were, like speed bumps and pedestrian crossings. The activity was enjoyable and also got the children working collaboratively.