Year 5 & 6 Class News

Scarecrow competition

Posted on Sunday 04 July 2021 by Mrs Latham

We will be making some scarecrows in school. If anyone lives in the village, you can join in individually and display them outside your house. If not, and you want to make your own, bring your scarecrow to school on Friday 16 July and we will display it outside school over the weekend.

Design Technology

Posted on Wednesday 30 June 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Let the building commence!

5/6S have been progressing well with their DT topic this week. They have now completed the design process and are able to get hands on. We spent the first part of the lesson working out the precise dimensions of our cars so that we selected the correct amount of materials. The children had to accurately measure how much dowel they would need to build the frame for their vehicles. They all worked super hard and they really enjoyed turning their hand to drilling, sawing and constructing. The children followed all the safety rules brilliantly and the classroom ended up looking like a carpenters workshop!


5/6 S Certificate Winners

Posted on Friday 25 June 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Alfie- you put so much effort into your story this week. You successfully included speech to show character and to advance the action. Brilliant!

For sport and physical activity…

Matilda – for your enthusiasm in PE this week. You became better at controlling the ball during the tennis session. Well done!

For living and learning…

Abi – for a brilliant attitude in the lesson this week. You contributed sensibly and worked well with your partner. Well done.

Well done everyone!

Design Technology

Posted on Thursday 24 June 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

We have been busy this week selecting the equipment that we will need to make our ‘Eggy’ cars. The children have completed their final designs and we are so close to making them now. The children were introduced to all the tools they could use and they had a go at safely using the equipment. the children were all able to talk about how to keep everyone safe when using tools, such as hand saws. Each group was set the challenge of joining two pieces of dowel together. They first had to cut the dowel to size and then use PVA glue and some card to reinforce the joint. They all created an L-shaped joint. The children were incredibly sensible using the tools and we didn’t lose any fingers!

5/6 S Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 18 June 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Maisie – your attitude to your learning had been great this week and you’ve also worked well in a group. Well done!

For sport and physical activity…

Jude – you always demonstrate enthusiasm and great teamwork in whatever sport we are doing in PE. Well done.

For living and learning…

Charlie H – you contributed well in discussions about body image and gave sensible answers – you challenged your own self-confidence.

Well done everyone!

Sinking Ships!

Posted on Thursday 17 June 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

We’ve continued to investigate the idea of density this week in Science. The children were asked to design a boat that would hold the most weight without sinking. They were only given plasticine and tin foil. They got their creative hats on and built some great boat designs. They had to think about the weight of their boat – they knew their boat had to be less dense than water density. Some groups increased the surface area of their boats too as they realised this helped with buoyancy. First we tested which boats floated – some boats were eliminated straight away as they promptly sank. I won’t be booking a cruise on any of those boats!

The successful boats went onto the next round where we added cubes to test how much weight they held before sinking. The majority of boats held between 3 and 9 cubes. The winner held 110 before sinking! This was amazing. I think there is a career in boat building on the cards for the winning group!

Living and learning: I know what consent is

Posted on Thursday 17 June 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

As part of our living and learning this week, we have been discussing body image and body confidence. We began by looking at the definition of body image – our idea of how our body looks and how we think it looks to others. This can include feelings and thoughts. Body confidence is about how we feel about the way we look. Our society tells us that there is an ideal way to look. This is called an ‘appearance ideal.’ With that in mind, we need to remember that these ideals are:

  • impossible to achieve
  • always changing
  • unrealistic

We talked about how the media leads to detrimental ways in which we look at our bodies – we make comparisons  We need to remember that the majority of images we see through the media have been ‘touched up’ and edited in some way.

The children had to think about how they personally feel about body image and what their confidence levels are like. The task in the lesson was each person had to think about positive things about themselves and which body parts they liked and why?

Where can you go for help?

Talk to your teacher or another trusted adult, in or out of school.

Put your worry in the class worry box.

Talk to your friends.

Contact ChildLine – 0800 1111

Books, Glorious Books

Posted on Tuesday 15 June 2021 by Mrs Lake

We are very lucky at our school to have a library full of wonderful books to borrow and enjoy. Over the past few weeks, we have been re-stocking our library with some lovely new books. We now have 300 new books on the shelves in the library. Every child has a library session each week where they can select any book they want to borrow and enjoy at home. Happy reading!

5/6M Certificate Winners

Posted on Sunday 13 June 2021 by Mr Lindsay

For great learning…

Marley – What a fantastic first week back. You have been focussed and determined to succeed.

For sport and physical activity…

Olivia – you worked hard on improving your throwing and catching in our cricket games.

For living and learning…

Abigail – you are a fantastic role model. You always do the right thing.

We don’t like cricket…we love it!

Posted on Saturday 12 June 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have Yorkshire Cricket coach, Jamie Sykes, coming into school over the next half term. All classes from Year 1 to Year 6 will receive some cricket coaching over the next 6 weeks. He set some very important ‘homework’…to watch some cricket, if you can! #chancetoshine #yorkshirecricket