Year 5 & 6 Class News

5/6 Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 30 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Poppy – your attitude to your learning has improved massively and you are asking for help when you need it. Well done and keep it up.

For sport and physical activity…

William – you demonstrated great teamwork in basketball this week. You also showed good control of the ball and good shooting skills. Well done!

For living and learning…

Charlie G – you contributed well to class discussions this week and you responded well to other people’s ideas. Thank you.

Well done everyone!

Robot writing

Posted on Thursday 29 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been building up our writing skills and we have now written a descriptive piece of writing about a robot. We began by discussing different types of vocabulary – which ones would be the most effective in descriptive work. We thought about using this vocabulary to create expanded noun phrases. This is where we use a determiner, such as the, an adjective and a noun. The children created some brilliant ENPs. We discussed different ways of starting sentences. Could we use fronted adverbials? Could we include any relative clauses?

The children have brought all their skills together to produce some amazing pieces of writing. There were some robots with jobs, such as looking after your pets when you go away. There were other robots that were evil and rather scary. Ask your child about their writing. What features did they include?

Super Scratch Spirographs!

Posted on Thursday 29 April 2021 by Mr Freeman

This week, Year 5 and 6 have been using repetition to create some really cool patterns on Scratch. We’ve been working hard on debugging algorithms and logical reasoning.

Here are some of our examples!

5/6 Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 23 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

William W – for great learning in computing. You worked hard to create your algorithm and even manged to debug your program when it didn’t work. Well done!

For sport and physical activity…

Dasha – you participated in rounders really well this week and your throwing has really improved and is more accurate now. Well done!

For living and learning…

Connor – you always remember to use your manners whatever you are doing. Well done and thank you.

Well done everyone!

Captain Tom 100 Challenge 5/6M

Posted on Thursday 22 April 2021 by Mr Lindsay

On the 30th April 2021, children in 5/6M will be joining the Captain Tom 100 Challenge.

In the morning, our class will write 100 joyful messages and pictures which will be hidden around the school grounds. Other children from our school community will be invited to find and read as many as they can throughout the day.

Please support us in this challenge by donating 100 pennies (or £1) for the new school charity.

Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Thursday 22 April 2021 by Mr Freeman

Year 5/6B will be completing a challenge on Friday 30th April to raise money for our school charity. Throughout the day, we will be running around our school field – 100 times! We are hoping that parents will donate £1.00 in order to support us in this challenge. Can you please make sure your child has a water bottle to bring to school with them.

5/6B will do you proud!

Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Thursday 22 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6 S are very excited to announce what challenge we will be completing on Friday 30th April to raise money for our school charity. Over the course of the day, we will be running for a total time of 100 minutes! We are going to be exhausted, but it will be worth it! We are hoping that parents will donate £1.00 in order to support us in this challenge. Thank you in advance of your generosity.

Creative Computing!

Posted on Thursday 22 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5 and 6 have been computing hero’s this week in topic. They have been using Scratch on the laptops to create their own programs. They used algorithms to program the sprite to draw different shapes. They started off by drawing a circle and an equilateral triangle. They then moved onto creating a spirograph design. All of these processes involved the children using logical reasoning to debug their algorithms when it didn’t create the shape they wanted. They also used the skill of repetition to allow them to be more efficient. Ask your child at home about their computing learning. Can they remember any of the vocabulary we’ve been learning? There were some great designs – well done!

Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Monday 19 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back after the Easter break.

The brand new Junior Leadership Team are going to be very busy this half term and they’re ready for action! In the next few weeks, classes will be coming up with ideas for who our next school charity will be. The JLT will then make the final decision. Before we even do this though, we’re going to get cracking on some fundraising. Friday 30th April sees a campaign organised by the Captain Tom Foundation. This date marks a year from when Sir Captain Tom began the 100 laps around his garden. To mark this occasion, people are being encouraged to complete a challenge based on the number 100. We are definitely up for this challenge! Each class will be discussing and choosing their challenge. This could be based on a maths challenge, running 100 metres or even writing a 100-word poem. We will be asking for voluntary donations to support the children in their challenges. This money will be ready to be donated to our new charity as soon as it’s selected. Each class will be posting on the website their chosen challenge.

Thank you in advance of your support and good luck with all the challenges.


The New Junior Leadership Team

Posted on Thursday 01 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

I am pleased to announce that we have a new Junior Leadership Team. A massive thank you to everyone who wrote a speech, had the confidence to speak in front of their classmates and thought of creative ways to improve our school.

There was a flurry of activity this morning as all classes visited the hall to cast their votes. It was very tense!

Our new JLT is…

1/2 C – Michael and Nyla

1/2 K- Caleb and Hermione

1/2 V – Ava and Lorien

3/4 N – Aurora and Freya

3/4 O – Rowan and Jessica

3/4 E – Sam and Elisa

5/6 S – Paige and William W

5/6 M – Seth and Joseph

5/6 B – Nathan and Zoe

I can’t wait to meet with the new team after the Easter holiday and get started!