Year 3 & 4 Spelling

06 November 2020

Posted on Friday 06 November 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’ve been learning about the different ways to write the ‘o’ sound. Because spelling in the English can be tricky, there’s lots of ways to write the ‘o’ sound in our spelling (oe, o, ow, oa). This week, we’d like you to practise the following words to help consolidate this learning. Remember, the words may appear ‘random’, but we are being exposed to different ways of writing similar sounds.

notice                                   suppose                                though                                  although

homeless                              hero                                      goes                                     glowing

To keep it fun, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 12  November 2020.

Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?

16 October 2020

Posted on Friday 16 October 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’ve been recapping one of our key spelling rules: adding –ed or –ing to change the tense of a verb.

Here’s an example…

infinitive verb present tense past tense
to walk walking walked

First, we’d like you to complete this table. Be careful, there may be some irregular ones to catch you out!

infinitive verb present tense past tense
to jump    
to climb    
to pour   poured
to achieve    

Then, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 22  October 2020.

Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?

09 October 2020

Posted on Friday 09 October 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’d like your child to practise the following spellings in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 09 October 2020.

believe complete extreme relief
breathe appear increase quickly

For some ideas on how to practise spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4).

Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?

02 October 2020

Posted on Friday 02 October 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’ve been learning about the ‘ai’ sound. This is tricky because the ‘ai’ sound can be made in a variety of ways: ay, ai, a_e, ea, aigh, eigh, e-e, ey. This BBC Bitesize video will help if you’re unsure.

First, we’d like you to go around your house (or even your local area) and find / write down all the things you can spot that have the ai sound in: tray, clay, eight o’clock etc.

Then, we’d like your child to practise the following spellings in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 09 October 2020.

eight eighth favourite straight
strange weight famous everyday

For some ideas on how to practise spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4).

Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?

25 September 2020

Posted on Friday 25 September 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’d like your child to practise the following spellings in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 02 October 2020.

again Christmas sugar mother
after clothes sure water

For some ideas on how to practise spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4).

Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?

18 September 2020

Posted on Friday 18 September 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’d like your child to practise the following spellings in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 25 September 2020.

class grass many money
parents busy pretty behind

For some ideas on how to practise spellings in different ways, check out these ‘super spelling strategies’.

Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?

Friday 11 September 2020

Posted on Saturday 12 September 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’d like your child to practise the following spellings in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 18 September 2020.

because beautiful kind mind
great break child children

Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?

13 December 2019

Posted on Friday 13 December 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Friday 13 December 2019

Spelling Challenge:

Please learn the following words from the list below using the suffixes -ly, -er, -est.

Can you find any other words that could fit our spelling patterns?














6 December 2019

Posted on Friday 06 December 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Spelling Challenge:

We have been looking at plurals and how spellings change when we change them from singular (1) to plural (more than 1).













29 November 2019

Posted on Friday 29 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Spelling Challenge:

We have been looking at words that end in -er and -est.

Use these words to create some super silly sentences. They could be a description of a character – be creative!











