PE – Castles and Cannonballs in 1,2B
We really enjoyed our first PE lesson on Friday. We are learning a new game – Castles and Cannonballs. We enjoyed building castles using all sorts of equipment and then throwing balls at them to knock them down. We are going to change and adapt the game over this half term; adding different rules, using different equipment and using different parts of our body.
Our First Week In 1A
1A have shown amazing resilience by settling into the routines of a Year 1 classroom. Everyone is ready to listen, take part, follow instructions and take care of each other. We are incredibly proud of them!
In Maths, we have focused on number formation and place value.
Our PE lesson was in glorious sunshine. We have begun our new KS1 game ‘Castles and Canon Balls.’
Please look in your child’s book bag. We have sent a lot of new passwords and information home that are very important home tools to support your child’s learning.
We are really excited about the year ahead!
First week of 2C
We have had a fantastic first week back at school. The new Year 2 children are settling very well into their new classroom. All of the children have been extremely resilient and ready to learn. Here are a few things we have been getting up to this week.
In Maths we have been recapping numbers up to 20. We have been counting forwards and backwards 1-20. We also ordered numbers in table groups by looking at the value of each number.
In phonics lessons we have been recapping letters of the alphabet and letter formation. We have also been recapping some of our sounds and ‘tricky words’ ready to begin our Little Wandle phonics lessons from next week.
The children have spent some time this week, practising saying and writing the days of the week. In Year 2, we write the ‘long date’ in our books each day. This activity is helping children to remember their spelling as well as remembering that days of the week and months of the year need a capital letter.
In PE we have been playing games that will help us to work as a team. This half term we will be working on developing skills such as spacial awareness, throwing and kicking.
It has been a pleasure to get to know the children this week. It’s going to be a brilliant year!
1A Class Information and First Day
Hello! We have been SO impressed with 1A! What super stars! The children have done amazingly well to settle into life in Year 1. We are going to have a fantastic year. We can’t wait to see these children fly with their learning.
A paper copy of the following should have come home already but just in case:
- PE day is Friday and swimming day is Tuesday (PE kit, following the school uniform policy, can be worn all day on both days). Ensure your child can fasten their own shoes if they wear laced shoes.
- Reading eBooks allocation day – Friday. Please bring reading records in on Thursday to be sent home on Friday.
- Library/love of reading book – bring in on Monday
- Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required (we have limited spares).
- Lunch menus – on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website.
- Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only, please, but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
- Water bottle (clearly named) – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school or taken home each day.
- Children will have their own tray for suncream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack.
- Coat – please send one every day as we may be learning outside and for lunchtimes and playtimes (often in the rain).
- Numbots/TTRockstars username and password will be stuck on of reading records.
- Collins Hub (eBook) username and password will be stuck in reading records also.
Check out our Class News page for updates on what is going on in school :
Homework and spellings are posted weekly too :
Teacher emails for non-urgent questions or notifications :
2C class information and first day
2C had a fantastic first day back at school. Every child came in with a smile on their face, ready to start the day. I was very impressed with how quickly the class settled into their new environment. We are going to have a brilliant year!
A paper copy of the information below should have come home with your child too. Please check their bags!
Thanks, Miss Young 🙂
2C class information
Below is some information about your child’s new class and some of the day to day things that will help your child settle into their new class and routine. Please clearly label everything your child brings into school with their full name– 90 children share the KS1 corridor!
- PE day is Friday and swimming day is Thursday (PE kit, following the school uniform policy, can be worn all day on both days). Ensure your child can fasten their own shoes if they wear laced shoes.
- Reading eBooks allocation day – Friday. Please bring reading records in on Thursday to be sent home on Friday.
- Library/love of reading book – bring in on
- Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required (we have limited spares).
- Lunch menus – on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website and in the classroom window.
- Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only, please, but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
- Water bottle (clearly named) – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school or taken home each day.
- Children will have their own tray for suncream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack.
- Coat – please send one every day as we may be learning outside and for lunchtimes and playtimes (often in the rain).
- Numbots/TTRockstars username and password will be stuck on of reading records.
- Collins Hub (eBook) username and password will be stuck in reading records also.
- Show and tell day is Friday. Please note your child cannot do a show and tell two weeks in a row, so to let everybody have a fair turn!
Check out our Class News page for updates on what is going on in school:
Homework and spellings are posted weekly too :
Teacher email for non-urgent questions or notifications:
Please call the office for urgent queries or questions 0113-3649149
1,2B class information and first day
We had an exciting and tiring first day! We’re going to have a great year. A paper copy of the information below should have come home with your child too.
1,2B class information
Below is some information about your child’s new class and some of the day to day things that will help your child settle into their new class and routine. Please name everything your child brings into school – 90 children share the KS1 corridor!
- PE day is Thursday and swimming day is Friday (PE kit, following the school uniform policy, can be worn all day on both days). Ensure your child can fasten their own shoes if they wear laced shoes.
- Reading eBooks allocation day – Friday. Please bring reading records in on Thursday to be sent home on Friday.
- Library/love of reading book – bring in on
- Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required (we have limited spares).
- Lunch menus – on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website.
- Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only, please, but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
- Water bottle (clearly named) – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school or taken home each day.
- Children will have their own tray for suncream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack.
- Coat – please send one every day as we may be learning outside and for lunchtimes and playtimes (often in the rain).
- Numbots/TTRockstars username and password will be stuck on of reading records.
- Collins Hub (eBook) username and password will be stuck in reading records also.
Check out our Class News page for updates on what is going on in school :
Homework and spellings are posted weekly too :
Teacher email for non-urgent questions or notifications :
Please call the office for urgent queries or questions 0113-3649149
Welcome back and what’s for lunch?
We are looking forward to welcoming all of Year 1 and 2 back tomorrow. You will get a note with some more information about your class routines and PE/swimming tomorrow – look out for it in book bags.
Also, find below lunch choices.
See you soon!
Happy summer holidays!
Thank you for all your support this year.
We all had a blast at the beach party and it was actually warm.
Have a (hopefully) sunny summer holiday!
Mrs Latham, Miss Young, Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilkins.
Beach party fun
We had a fantastic time at the beach party yesterday. We were very lucky with the weather. Thank you to my fantastic class for a wonderful year. Enjoy some photographs from yesterday.
Summer disco
Everyone had a great time at the disco on Friday – hopefully raising lots of funds for FOSP (Friends of Scholes Primary). They are always looking for new members to help (in a small or big way). Contact the school office if you’d like to join.
We were too busy doing the conga to take photos during the disco but managed to get a couple at the end (sweets and drinks are the favourite part, anyway).