Year 1 & 2 Class News

Science – working scientifically

Posted on Wednesday 29 March 2023 by Miss Young

John McAdams has been our scientist of focus this half term in KS1. McAdams made the first macadamised road. The road he invented was smooth, durable and had good drainage. We did our own experiments to investigate which road surface was best for cars.

For the first experiment, we pushed a toy car down a ramp to measure how far it would travel. We did a comparative test where we kept everything the same but changed one thing. We kept the car the same, the ramp, the ramp height and the person pushing the car. We tested the car on 3 surfaces; concrete, laminate and carpet. We found that the concrete was the best surface because it was smooth and the car travelled the furthest. The carpet was the worst surface because it was rough and soft. The car did not travel very far on the carpet.

We also tested different road surfaces for drainage. The road surfaces were large stones, small pebbles, sand and flour. We tested 4 road surfaces without water to see how easily the car could travel across. We then poured water onto each surface to see which road had the best drainage. In both tests, the road surface made of small pebbles was the best because the it was the least bumpy and has the best drainage due to the small gaps between the pebbles.


One child wrote ‘The worst road surface was flour because it was bumpy. When we poured water on it was sticky and the car didn’t move.’

We have really enjoyed our Science topic this half term

Living and Learning: being the same, being different

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 by Miss Lowry

We have been talking about how we are the same and how we are different. It can be about how we look, what we like and how we feel. It’s important to celebrate our similarities and differences.

Help at home by discussing similarties and differences.

Design and Technology

Posted on Friday 24 March 2023 by Miss Lowry

Over the last week in design and technology we have been developing our food preperation skills by making overnight oats.

We have followed hygiene instructions to make sure the children have tied their hair back and washed their hands.

The children followed the recepie ensuring they weighed out the correct amount of ingredients. They were able to cut the fruit using the bridge method they had been shown.

Everyone enjoyed having a taste of the oats!


Maths – shapes

Posted on Friday 24 March 2023 by Miss Young

Our focus in Y2 Maths this week has been shapes. We have been looking 2D and 3D shapes. We know the names of lots of 2D shapes, how to count sides  and how to count the vertices. We have also explored 3D shapes, how to count edges, faces and vertices. We even came up with a method, so that we wouldn’t loose track of the faces we had already counted!

Today in 2C we looked at vertical symmetry and how to spot it in 2D shapes. We used paper shapes and folded them to see if they had vertical lines of symmetry. We also used mirrors to check the symmetry of shapes in our books and plastic 2D shapes.

Topic – computing

Posted on Wednesday 22 March 2023 by Miss Young

Over this half term, KS1 have been learning to use the program Scratch Jr. We have been learning to create and debug algorithms, create sequences using commands and use this to put together a quiz.

We know how to choose Sprites (characters) and backgrounds.

We know how to get our Sprites to speak and how to change what they say.

We also know how to get our Sprites to move and how to sequence our commands correctly.

This week we finished our quizzes. Have have had so much fun using Scratch Jr and learning how it works!

Help at home by downloading Scratch Jr or another coding app or program – ScratchJr – Home


Living and Learning: strong emotions

Posted on Wednesday 22 March 2023 by Miss Lowry

In our Living and Learning sessions we have been talking about our feelings, and in particular, strong emotions. We all have felt angry, sad and happy at some point. We identified emotions on other people’s faces and talked about how emotions can feel overwhelming but will pass over time.

Help at home by identifying and discussing different emotions that you might be feeling.

Red Nose Day

Posted on Monday 20 March 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

A huge thank you to everyone that donated money last Friday for Comic Relief. The Junior Leadership Team stood at the gate and shook their buckets and collected any donations. You are such a generous bunch of people and we managed to raise £337.97. Thank you again for your support.

English – verbs

Posted on Monday 13 March 2023 by Miss Young

This week in Year 2 we are learning about verbs. Our school defines a verb as ‘a doing or a being word’.  Today, Year 2 went out onto the playground for a lesson about verbs. We imagined that we were getting up on a morning and getting ready for school. This involved acting out lots and lots of verbs. We slept, we yawned, we stretched and then we brushed our teeth!


The children loved doing their learning on the playground and said that it would help them to remember what type of word class a verb is.


When we returned to the classroom, we recapped some of the verbs we had learnt. We also wrote some of the verbs in the past and present tense.

Help at home by discussing verbs as you do tasks at home.

Maths – money, money, money!

Posted on Friday 10 March 2023 by Miss Young

In Year 2 Maths we are currently learning about money. We are able to recognise coins and notes, and differentiate between pounds and pence, but we are still working on this! We have also been learning to make amounts of money by choosing the correct pounds, pence and notes.

We have used our knowledge of addition and multiplication to perform calculations about money. Next week we will use our knowledge of partitioning, grouping and subtraction to help us with our next block of learning.

Help at home – by showing your child coins and notes and discussing their value. You can also use the money and practice addition.

Writing – all things Dragons!

Posted on Wednesday 08 March 2023 by Miss Young

This half-term our class novel is ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by author, Andy Shepherd. We are really enjoying reading the book and discovering the mischief that the dragon in the story causes for the main character, Tomas.

Last week in Y2, we drew our own dragons and wrote some adjectives to describe our dragons. We then put the adjectives into some expanded noun phrases.

We have also been learning about possessive apostrophes. We know that these types of apostrophes are used to show belonging/ possession.

See some of our fantastic work below!

Help at home – by encouraging your child to use adjectives to describe things around the home or characters in books you are reading.