
Latest news from around the school

Weather update for Wednesday 08 January

Posted on 07 January 2025 by Mr Roundtree

Just like today, we aim to open as normal tomorrow.

Registers will be open for longer. Your child won’t be marked in as late if they arrive later than usual.

This is to make sure you can get to school safely despite the freezing weather.

Weather update (Tuesday 07 January)

Posted on 07 January 2025 by Mr Roundtree

We’re open today (Tuesday 07 January).

Registers are open for longer so your child won’t be marked in as late if they arrive later than usual.

Please travel safely.

Snowy weather: update for Tuesday

Posted on 06 January 2025 by Mr Roundtree

We’re happy to confirm school will be open tomorrow as normal (assuming there’s not a drastic change in the weather conditions!).

When we’re faced with the question of whether to open or close, we have to factor in travel conditions for families and for staff (some of whom live quite far away); the availability of site staff to clear paths and make them safe; the condition of the rooms (and whether there have been leaks caused by snow, as was the case today)…

Thank you for your understanding today.

Snowy weather: school is closed

Posted on 06 January 2025 by Mr Roundtree

School is closed today.

The weather situation hasn’t improved enough overnight so we’ve taken the decision to close school today.

This is due to current unsafe travel conditions and the safety of roads and paths.

We also need to assess the situation at school due to a number of leaks.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Snowy weather

Posted on 05 January 2025 by Mr Roundtree

The weather conditions at the moment mean that any sort of travel is tricky. However, the forecast is an improving one. As it stands right now, please expect that that school will be open tomorrow. We’ll keep the registers open for longer so you can travel safely.

We’ll keep you updated online if there’s any further updates.

Finally… Happy new year! We hope you enjoyed a lovely break.

Our last weekly message of 2024: Friday 20 December

Posted on 20 December 2024 by Mr Roundtree

If you came to one of our Christmas performances, we hope you enjoyed it and thank you for your donation. We raised £331 for our school charity: Willow Foundation.


It’s our last message of 2024! We thought it would be nice to share some of our highlights…

  • Mrs Latham: ‘Class 1,2B were captivated by our Great Fire of London topic this year. We learnt so many new facts about September 1666, Pudding Lane, the bakery and wooden houses! We loved singing this song!’
  • Miss Hague: ‘A highlight from the last term has been taking some time to plan some future improvements to our school. FOSP have kindly given us some money to improve our KS1 wildlife area so look out for bug hotels, bird feeders and new signs during the spring. Our library is also getting a face-lift in the Spring term.  We’re working with a design team to create a whole new look! Watch this space.
    We’re also hoping to create a brand new space in school but it’s a bit too early to give you any details yet! It’s very exciting though.’
  • Miss Gilliland: ‘My proudest moment to date has been watching my pupils’ confidence flourish and seeing them proudly showcase it during our class assembly.’
  • Miss Young: ‘A highlight has to be Adjective Day. The children came to school in fantastic outfits. We had a great time learning new vocabulary and sharing our adjectives with one another.’
  • Mr Catherall: ‘I’ve two highlights. The first relates to the many visitors we’ve welcomed into our school so far this year. Each time we do, I feel so proud to walk around school: our children are so positive, polite and respectful; and the teaching and learning happening in all classrooms is fantastic. The second highlight was when I was lucky enough to go to the Royal Armouries and Leeds Discovery Centre with Class 5,6B. The way the children conducted themselves on the day was really impressive: polite, positive, passionate and respectful to all.’
  • The Reception teachers: ‘We’ve loved seeing the children make new friends and settle into Reception life. Our highlight has been seeing the children enjoy and progress in their phonics, to become early readers and writers. We’re looking forward to seeing more amazing achievements as we continue our learning journey.’
  • Mrs Wadsworth: ‘3,4C have had a wonderful term of learning. A particular highlight was our phase trip to Lotherton Hall to enhance our Science learning within school. We also enjoyed sharing our learning in our class assembly.’
  • Mrs Beesley and the Nursery team: ‘Our Nursery highlight this term is always most definitely watching the children sing for you all in the Christmas performances. How they’ve developed from the three year olds we all met at home visits in September! They showed us not only great singing, but self-confidence, happiness and pride in their achievements. What a wonderful start to their learning journeys.’
  • Mrs Paterson: ‘A highlight for me has been hearing the children make such thoughtful contributions towards each other not just in circle time, but in the way they look after each other at all times. Whether giving advice about a particular worry, checking in on a classmate so they know they’re not alone or cheering on someone else’s achievements, it’s been amazing to see so many small acts of kindness.’

…and my highlight is simply standing at the school gate at the start of the school day and being greeted by happy and healthy children as they arrive at school – it’s such a positive way to start the day!

Leeds at Christmas

The ultimate guide to Christmas in Leeds includes a whole host of information about what’s happening over the Christmas and New Year period, such as visiting the Christmas markets across the city centre, family attractions including Northern lights at Temple Newsham and where to see Santa.

Finally, all that needs to be said is have a happy Christmas. We’ll see you all again on Monday 06 January.

Thank you for your donations

Posted on 19 December 2024 by Miss Hague

A huge thanks for your generosity at our Christmas shows.

Our Junior Leaders were stood with collection box in hand at each of the four ‘performances’ that our Nursery, Reception , Year 1 and Year 2 children put on.

We managed to raise £331 for  Willow Foundation

This money will help families who are facing some difficult times to enjoy the opportunity to make some very special memories.  We will continue to raise money for our school charity throughout the year.  As always, a big thank you for your continued support.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas

Our weekly message: Friday 13 December

Posted on 13 December 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Next week’s the last week before we break up for Christmas. It’s a busy week, so please check our school calendar. We’ve noticed a few children appear more tired than usual so make sure your child gets plenty of sleep so they can enjoy the last week.

We’ve had lots of visitors in school during the half term: people looking for a Reception place for 2025, headteachers attending training sessions; other Sphere Federation staff visiting lessons… Without fail, they’ve all commented on how respectful, friendly and welcoming the children at Scholes (Elmet) Primary are. They’ve seen great learning behaviour and have described a positive energy in the school. We’re obviously really proud of this.

Has your child attended one of our after-school clubs this term? Here are some comments about a couple of the clubs we’ve run:

‘I’ve enjoyed learning the numbers in Spanish. It’s fun.’ (Ben)
‘We made cartoons using Spanish words. I can remember a lot of Spanish words.’ (Bradley)
‘It’s very good because I like the drills which keep me active and help improve my fitness.’ (Jeevan)

Keep reading!

Even during all the excitement in the run up to the Christmas holidays, we continue to teach Phonics lessons and maintain as many reading practice sessions as we can in Early Years and Key Stage 1. You can help at home by reading to or with your child during the Christmas holidays. It’s a wonderful way for children to relax, explore their imagination and continue learning. Stories about winter adventures, festive traditions, or magical journeys can spark creativity and deepen their love for books. Reading also strengthens vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking, keeping young minds active while school is out. It’s a great opportunity to bond over shared stories or bedtime tales. Encourage your child to pick a book they’ll love – whether it’s about reindeer, snowmen, or elves – and make reading a cosy, fun holiday tradition this Christmas!

Staying healthy in the winter months

The UK Health Security Agency has published advice on how to reduce the spread of winter illnesses.

Please remember to follow NHS guidance to know when a child is too ill for school. Pupils should not miss school ‘just in case’ – they can normally attend school with a cough or cold, but not with a fever or diarrhoea and vomiting.

Talk to your child about staying safe online

Most of us tend to think of our online and offline lives as separate, but children today are growing up with technology and the internet as a natural part of their lives. To them there isn’t a separation. It’s all just life. The internet is now part of the real world.

Talking to your child about what they do online is just as important as asking where they are going when they go out with their friends. It can be difficult starting the conversation with your child about their online activities. Technology keeps changing and you might find it overwhelming trying to keep up with it all, but you don’t need to. You just need to take an interest in what apps and games your child is using. That’s the best place to start. Your child might not want to share anything with you at first, but keep trying.

Having honest and open conversations with your child and speaking to them regularly about what they’re doing online could be crucial in giving your child the confidence to tell you if they’ve seen something that makes them feel uncomfortable or may highlight someone who is wanting to cause harm.

Further guidance is available on the LSCP website as well as information on how to set up parental control on all the devices that your child uses.

Our weekly message: Friday 06 December

Posted on 06 December 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Stuck for a gift idea? Check out the National Book Tokens website: book recommendations (for adults and children), activities, and a chance to win a £100 book token!

It’s a busy time of the year but have a look at this Leeds guide for free and low-cost things to do this winter – from opportunities to meet Santa to a chance to enjoy a festive mystery matinee.

It’s the countdown to Christmas, but there’s still lots of learning to prioritise, too. Keeping daily routines helps your child to manage such an exciting time. Please remember to stick with our Uniform Policy.


Did you know measles is on the rise in this area? Measles is highly infectious. It can lead to serious complications including fits, damage to the brain, or even worse. Unvaccinated children are most at risk of severe complications from measles. Check out this information from Leeds LA, covering symptoms and how best to protect you and your family.


This rest of this week’s message comes from Mr Wilks, our Science and Foundation subjects leader. The message is about what your child’s currently learning in their Science lessons…

Year 1,2

Pupils are learning about materials. They’re exploring a range of different materials and their uses and explaining why a certain material is or isn’t appropriate for a particular use. They’re working scientifically by, for example, investigating whether different materials are waterproof or not.

Next half-term, they’ll be biologists because they’re learning about plants. They’ll explore the types of plants that grow in the school grounds. They’ll also learn about the different parts of plants. They’ll work scientifically by conducting an enquiry into whether plants grow healthier in the light or in the dark.

Year 3,4

Pupils are currently learning about the different states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). They’re classifying things as solids, liquids or gases. Some of these are tricky; for example, sand behaves like a liquid (you can pour it and it takes the shape of the container it’s in) but it’s a solid. Pupils are working scientifically by carrying out an enquiry about how the temperature of water affects the time it takes for ice to melt. As part of this unit, they’re also learning about the water cycle.

Next half-term, pupils are physicists. They’ll learn about sound and how sound travels. They’ll work scientifically by conducting an enquiry into how the distance from a sound source affects the volume of a sound.

Year 5,6

Pupils are learning about electricity this half-term. They’re drawing circuit diagrams using symbols to represent the different components. They’re working scientifically by investigating the effect on different components when the current in a circuit is changed.

After half-term, they’ll move on to learn about light. In this unit, they’ll learn about how light travels in straight lines, how shadows are formed, and they’ll work scientifically by investigating how the size of a shadow changes when the distance from a light source changes.

Help at home

Talk to your child about their learning in class. Check out the Class News pages as they may have some posts about Science learning. Your child may want to recreate an experiment they’ve done at school or have a different question they’d like to investigate. Or, you can look up fun, practical science experiments you can do at home with everyday objects.

Get outside and take notice of the natural world. A large proportion of the primary science curriculum is devoted to biology so here are a few ideas which will support this:

  • Talk about plants and animals that you see at different times of the year. Now is a great time to spot deciduous and evergreen trees.
  • In December/January look out for winter flowering plants like snowdrops, pansies or camellias.
  • Try taking a photo every week from of a green space in your locality. Take it from the same position so that over the weeks and months you can see how the landscape changes.
  • Go on a nature walk. Make a list of ten things to try to find on your walk and see how many you can tick off. It’s been three years and I still haven’t been able to tick woodpecker on my list!

Wellbeing Advent

Posted on 02 December 2024 by Mr Roundtree

It’s one day late, but you might like to try this out with your child…

The lead up to the winter break can be a fun and exciting time. For some though, it can be anxiety inducing and stressful. Young Minds has created a series of wellbeing advent calendars, customised for primary and secondary children.