
Latest news from around the school

Marvellous Maths spreading to other schools

Posted on 21 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re proud of all our great teachers who are doing such a good job. Mrs Allaway not only teaches in school, but she also regularly supports other schools as a Specialist Leader in Education and as a Maths Mastery Specialist.

Last week, lots of teachers from other schools came to visit. We’re happy for this to happen as we want the best for all children, not just our own. We’re even happier when we receive great feedback!

One of the delegates commented, ‘I loved observing this morning – not only to see how effective Maths looks in an experienced school but also to see how the classroom and resources are set up. Thank you, Scholes!’

And a headteacher also sent some feedback: ‘Just want to give you some feedback from my staff yesterday… they absolutely loved the session! In particular, seeing the lessons and reflecting on their own practice. Thank you.’

Thanks and well done to Mrs Allaway and Mrs Latham, who taught Maths whilst the visitors were present in her classroom.

Amazing Allaway!

Posted on 21 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

As most of you will know, Mrs Allaway is a Leading Maths Teacher and as Specialist Leader in Education. This means that she supports other teachers, sometimes in their own school and often at Scholes (Elmet) Primary.

Yesterday, teachers from a few schools across Leeds came to observe Mrs Allaway teach. Here’s one comment: ‘Had a lovely visit to Scholes today to observe Paula teaching Year 4. She really is as good as you made her out to be – our Y3 teacher was blown away!’

Well done, Mrs Allaway!

Positive pupils

Posted on 15 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Our governors play an active role in our school – find out more about the governing body and what they do. One of our governors is responsible for collecting the views of pupils – an important role because we value the views of pupils so much. As well as staff in school, it’s useful for a governor to do this because children sometimes prefer to talk to an ‘outsider’.

Here’s what our governor found following a recent visit where she spoke with a group of pupils:

All of the children said they enjoyed school all of the time.

  • Y2: ‘It’s cool because we get to go on school trips.’
  • Y4: ‘I like the homework because it’s creative!’
  • Y5: ‘We have people come into school like authors and stuff so that’s enjoyable.’

All children strongly believed all of the teachers helped them to do their best.

  • Y3: ‘If you don’t get something right, the teacher always helps.’

All children said that their learning is challenging.

  • Y5: ‘Sometimes, we have cold tasks and that’s where we have to have a go on our own before our teacher helps us. That’s helpful because we become more confident to do learning that is challenging.’

All children enjoy learning and were keen to say their reasons.

  • Y1: ‘I like my learning because it is fun.’
  • Y3: ‘We do lots of different subjects so every day is different.’
  • Y4: ‘We get to do lots of things in our topic lessons so it’s never boring.’
  • Y5: ‘The learning is exciting and sometimes we have people come into our school to help us with our learning.’
  • Y6: ‘It’s loads of fun! We learn all sorts of subjects so we’re never ever bored.’

All children thought that their teacher listened to what they have to say.

  • Y4: ‘Sometimes, my teachers listen when I’ve got a worry that’s stopping me from learning.’
  • Y6: ‘In reading sessions, my teacher listens to lots of things people in my class have to say, including me.’

All children knew to speak to an adult if something was worrying them.

  • Y5: ‘If we’re worried or anxious we can use our Living and Learning boxes to tell someone we’re worried without actually having to tell anyone, which is good.’
  • Y2: ‘I would tell my teacher.’
  • Y4: ‘I would tell someone that I trust.’
  • Y6: ‘I would tell Miss Hague or Mr Roundtree or Mrs Allaway.’

Regarding behaviour, all children thought that the behaviour of other children was good. They reported that they weren’t aware of bullying being a problem but knew that if they did become aware of it they would tell an adult or write a message in the Living and Learning boxes in the classrooms.

Regarding staying safe, all the children said they felt safe at school (‘Adults have to wear a lanyard and if it’s red then that person can’t be left on their own with children but if it’s green we know they’re safe. Teachers have a black lanyard.’). When asked what made them feel unsafe, one pupil mentioned the speed of cars outside school; another said, ‘Well, I know I will always be safe at school so not much at school makes me feel unsafe’.

The children were able to talk about lots of ways we promote health, whether physical activity or emotional health.

Finally, all of the children were certain they would recommend the school to someone else.

  • Y3: ‘It’s a great school and you get to make loads of friends.’
  • Y2: ‘All of the teachers are really nice and friendly.’

Attendance Matters

Posted on 08 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Well done to Mr Gathercole’s 3,4C class who have the highest attendance in school so far this year! The whole school attendance figure is 96.1%, so all the Y5,6 classes are above average – great stuff!

Up to the beginning of March, the average attendance for each class is:

  • F2L: 95.3%
  • F2M: 96.2%
  • 1K: 96.3%
  • 1,2V: 96.7%
  • 2KL: 95.6%
  • 3,4F: 95.6%
  • 3,4C: 97.2%
  • 3,4EK: 94.8%
  • 5,6O: 96.5%
  • 5,6NK: 96.3%
  • 5,6M: 96.7%

Also impressive is Mrs Latham’s 1,2V class and Miss Eckersley’s F2 class – well done to these younger children, too.

Don’t forget that for this half-term and up to the Easter weekend (25 February – 18 April), we’re running our Amazing Attendance competition. All the pupils with attendance during this period that’s 98% or more will be entered into a prize draw. There’ll be four lucky winners: one from each phase in school (Foundation; Year 1-2; Years 3-4; and Years 5-6). Each winner will earn themselves and their family a £20 voucher for Pizza Express.

Wonderful World Book Day

Posted on 07 March 2019 by Mrs Latham

The children dressed up today for World Book Day and celebrated our love of reading. There was lots of book talk, class swaps, shared reading and a celebratory reading assembly. Thank you for helping with all the wonderful costumes! Children should have brought home their voucher too.

Go Ape competition - win prizes for yourself and school!

Posted on 06 March 2019 by Mrs Latham

Before-school cricket club

Posted on 01 March 2019 by Mrs Latham

The first session of our before-school cricket club was on Friday. The children came into class afterwards full of energy.

I loved it. I can’t wait to come next week.

I wasn’t sure if I’d like cricket but I do. It’s ace!

There are still spaces for children in years 1, 2 or 3. There are four more sessions this half term. Contact the school office if you would like your child to join.

Out of school club

Posted on 23 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Well done to staff and children who attend the Scholes Out of School Club. Following a recent inspection from Ofsted, the club was judged to be good in all areas.

Parent-teacher meetings

Posted on 19 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Thanks to all of you who attended the parent-teacher meetings last week – it’s always good to see so many supporting their child’s learning.

In the last year or so, one or two governors attend the evenings in order to gather the views of parents and carers. This can provide some useful, independent feedback on how well we’re doing and how we can keep getting better and better. Governors write up a report; here are some of the comments from the report from the evening of Thursday 14 February:

  • Without exception, children are happy at school, they enjoy coming and they and their parents know that they are safe. One parent told me, ‘We’re dead happy with the school’.
  • The children had a range of subjects that they liked best; one boy told me he liked the challenge of Maths.
  • A few of the parents had had children at Scholes over a number of years and have always been happy with what the school has offered.
  • A number of children talked to me about the activities they were undertaking in Staying Safe week. They were enjoying it.
  • The school has ‘a very approachable staff’ and parents knew that any issues they had would be resolved.
  • A parent has been delighted with the school since she moved her children here a year ago – she wished they had always been here!
  • Parents feel well informed about everything that is going on.

Dance club - recruiting now!

Posted on 16 February 2019 by Mrs Latham

The KS2 dance club are looking for more members. There is a competition on 30 April, at Ralph Thoresby High School, that we would like to enter but we need more members. If you are in year 3, 4, 5 or 6 and enjoy dance, or want to try something new, this is the club for you. It runs on Thursdays after school (3.30-4.30) by Steph, from Flex Dance. Contact the school office for costs and more details. Here is a taster of what you could be doing!

The children requested the video was made and all have permission to be photographed but we double checked for their consent before posting to the website. They knew they could withdraw their consent before it was posted.