Cross Country competition - resilience, determination and grit!
Posted on 08 October 2018 by Mrs Latham
Some year 6 children took part in the area heat of the Leeds Cross Country competition today. They ran 1,800m and had to draw on their Living and Learning skills; being ready, determination and resilience. They all enjoyed the experience and finished the race. Well done!
Parents' evening coming up
Posted on 08 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree
The first of two parent-teacher meetings are coming up soon: 22 October and 24 October. At these meetings, you’ll notice a small change.
In the annual survey of parents and carers, a small number mentioned that they would prefer more frequent updates about their child’s progress. We’ve acted on this by changing when we provide you with the Learning Updates. These were previously given to you at parents’ evening. However, this year, we’ll send these home at the end of the Autumn and Spring terms. This means you’ll have an update at the end of Autumn 1 (the parents’ evening), Autumn 2 (the Learning Update), Spring 1 (the second parents’ evening), Spring 2 (the second Learning Update), and then the end of year report in the Summer.
As always, Miss Hague will be around to hear your questions, compliments and concerns with these arrangements.
Christmas card orders - 12 October deadline
Posted on 06 October 2018 by Mrs Latham
Your child’s individually designed sample Christmas cards were sent home this week. Please return orders and payment to school by Friday 12 October. Thank you.
Learning workshops
Posted on 04 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree
Thanks to the parents and carers who came along to the Y2,3,4 Learning Workshops for Reading and Maths this week.
‘Learning about the help sheets on the website will be a great help.’
‘The workshop was really helpful so I can help our child in the same way as school are teaching him.’
Sponsor needed - football kit! Can you help?
Posted on 03 October 2018 by Mrs Latham
This year, we’ve entered into the U11 Leeds Schools FA league (East division). Mr Catherall and Mr Freeman are training year 5 and 6 children on Wednesdays after school (contact the office if your child is interested). We would love a sponsor to help us with a new kit for our upcoming matches. Please contact the office or Mrs Latham if you can help.
Amazing adventuring!
Posted on 03 October 2018 by Mrs Latham
After far too long being out of use, the necessary work has been completed on the KS2 adventure playground and we’re loving using it! The children are overjoyed and it will contribute towards our school commitment to providing at least 30 active minutes throughout the school day, as directed in the Government’s Childhood Obesity Plan.
EPOSS Incredible Years parenting course
Posted on 03 October 2018 by Mrs Quirk
The EPOSS cluster will be running an Incredible Years Parenting Course starting Friday 09 November at Wetherby Children’s Centre. Please see the attached poster/leaflet for further information.
There is no need to book: parents/carers can just turn up on the first session or ring the number provided on the leaflet if you have any questions.
Morning dance club
Posted on 02 October 2018 by Mrs Latham
We have spaces in our Tuesday morning dance club. It is run by Flex Dance and starts at 8am. It is open for Y2-6 children and will run for the next 3 weeks initially. Please pop into the office for a letter if you are interested.
A few reminders for next week
Posted on 28 September 2018 by Miss Hague
Just a few reminders about some of the things coming up next week (week commencing 01 October 2018):
On Monday 01 October at 2pm, we invite you to school to share with you our school improvement plan. We have some great news to share about our end of year data and also some feedback from a school advisor who visited us very recently.
On Tuesday 02 October at 6pm, we have a reading and maths information meeting for Y2, Y3 and Y4 parents. We’ll share with you tips for how you can support at home and answer any questions you may have.
On Wednesday 03 October, we have the return of the Hobgoblin theatre company. The children in Y1 -Y6 will see a play and children in KS2 will then take part in a workshop.
On Friday 05 October, it’s Mr Catherall’s class assembly. Parents from this class are welcome to come and watch.
Awesome Orienteering - outdoor and adventurous sport
Posted on 26 September 2018 by Mrs Latham
The children and staff were buzzing after their orienteering sessions this week. They were delivered by the Airienteers who are a group who organise orienteering events in Airedale and Wharfedale. Orienteering is a fun, competitive, and very active, sport.
As part of the PE curriculum children should, “take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.” Our year 4 and year 6 residentials offer these opportunities and this year we have used Sport Premium funding to add orienteering to our curriculum.